# Misc CLI [[source]](https://github.com/ashawkey/kiuikit/blob/main/kiui/cli/) Misceallaneous command line interfaces. ### Usage ```python # background removal utils python -m kiui.cli.bg --help python -m kiui.cli.bg input.png output.png python -m kiui.cli.bg input_folder output_folder # openpose detector python -m kiui.cli.pose --help # blip2 image captioning python -m kiui.cli.blip --help # hed edge detector python -m kiui.cli.hed --help # zoe depth estimation (extra dep: pip install timm==0.6.11) python -m kiui.cli.depth_zoe --help # midas depth estimation (dpt-large) python -m kiui.cli.depth_midas --help # sr (Real-ESRGAN from https://github.com/ai-forever/Real-ESRGAN/tree/main) python -m kiui.sr --help python -m kiui.sr image.jpg --scale 2 # save to image_2x.jpg kisr image.jpg --scale 2 # short cut cmd # made-in-heaven timer (https://github.com/ashawkey/made-in-heaven-timer) python -m kiui.cli.timer --help # mesh format conversion (only for a single textured mesh in obj/glb) python -m kiui.cli.convert input.obj output.glb kico input.obj output.glb # short cut cmd kico mesh_folder/ video_folder --fmt .mp4 # render all meshes into rotating videos # aesthetic predictor v2 (https://github.com/christophschuhmann/improved-aesthetic-predictor) python -m kiui.cli.aes --help # compare content of two directories python -m kiui.cli.dircmp # lock requirements.txt package versions based on current environment python -m kiui.cli.lock_version ```