
Visualization tools.


kiui.vis.map_color(value: ndarray, cmap_name: str = 'viridis', vmin: float | None = None, vmax: float | None = None)[source]

map a 1D array to continuous color.


array of color, [N, 3] in [0, 1]

Return type:


kiui.vis.plot_image(*xs, normalize=False, save=False, prefix='kiui_vis_plot_image')[source]

sequentially plot provided images, optionally save to current dir.

  • xs (Sequence[Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]]) – can be uint8 or float32. [B, 4/3/1, H, W], [B, H, W, 4/3/1], [4/3/1, H, W], [H, W, 4/3/1], [H, W] torch.Tensor or numpy.ndarray

  • normalize (bool, optional) – whether to renormalize the image to [0, 1]. Defaults to False.

  • save (bool, optional) – whether to save the image to current dir (in case the plot cannot be showed, like in vscode remote). Defaults to False.

  • prefix (str, optional) – image save name prefix if save=True.


visualize some 2D matrix, different from kiui.vis.plot_image, this will keep the original range and plot channel-by-channel.


xs (Sequence[Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]]) – [B, C, H, W], [C, H, W], or [H, W] torch.Tensor or numpy.ndarray

kiui.vis.plot_pointcloud(pc, color=None)[source]

plot point cloud.

  • pc (ndarray) – point cloud positions, float [N, 3].

  • color (ndarray, optional) – point cloud colors, float/uint8 [N, 3/4]. Defaults to None.


This function requires a desktop (cannot be forwarded by ssh)!

kiui.vis.plot_poses(poses, size=0.1, bound=1, points=None, mesh=None, opengl=True)[source]

plot camera poses.

  • poses (ndarray) – camera poses, float [N, 4, 4].

  • size (float, optional) – line width. Defaults to 0.1.

  • bound (int, optional) – bounding box bound. Defaults to 1.

  • points (ndarray, optional) – also draw point clouds, float [M, 3]. Defaults to None.

  • mesh (trimesh.Trimesh, optional) – also draw mesh. Defaults to None.

  • opengl (bool, optional) – use OpenGL camera convention. Defaults to True.


This function requires a desktop (cannot be forwarded by ssh)!